In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility and spiritual nourishment can be a challenge. Yet, amidst the chaos, there lies a timeless practice that offers solace and deepens our connection with God – studying The Word. The SOAP method of Bible study is a great and practical tool for diving deep into the wisdom of the Word.
Scripture: The journey begins with scripture – the living, breathing word of God. As Christians, we believe that every word penned in the Bible is divinely inspired. So, as we embark on our study, we choose a passage that speaks to us, one that resonates with our current circumstances or simply tugs at our hearts.
Observation: With our chosen scripture in hand, we embark on the path of observation. This step invites us to delve deeper into the text, to ponder its meaning, and to uncover the truths it holds. We ask questions, we analyze, and we seek to understand the context in which the words were written. Through observation, we glean insights that might otherwise remain hidden, allowing the scripture to come alive in our hearts and minds.
Application: The true power of scripture lies not merely in its comprehension but in its application. As we reflect on the passage before us, we are prompted to consider how its message applies to our lives today. What lessons can we learn? What changes must we make? The SOAP method challenges us to move beyond mere intellectual understanding and to allow the word of God to transform us from within.
Prayer: Finally, we come to prayer – the cornerstone of our relationship with God. In this concluding step, we offer up our thoughts, our reflections, and our desires to the One who hears our every word. We thank Him for the insights gained, we seek His guidance in applying them to our lives, and we ask for the strength to walk in obedience to His will.
In essence, the SOAP method is more than just a study tool – it’s a spiritual discipline, a pathway to deeper intimacy with our Creator. Through scripture, observation, application, and prayer, we embark on a journey of washing in the word, allowing its cleansing waters to purify our hearts and minds.
So, beloved brothers and sisters, as you navigate the ups and downs of life, remember the power of the SOAP method. Take time each day to immerse yourself in the scriptures, to reflect on their meaning, to apply their truths, and to commune with the One who authored them. In doing so, may you find renewal, strength, and unwavering faith in the God who loves you beyond measure.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” – Psalm 119:105
A morning routine is a set of actions that one takes every day, usually upon waking up, to prepare for the day ahead. The way we start our day sets the tone for everything that follows. As women seeking to live rooted in Christ, a morning routine firmly grounded in faith is vital.
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Morning Routines for Proverbs 31 Women
Proverbs 31 women are known for their industriousness, wisdom, and dedication to their families. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of a morning routine for those of us who aspire to be modern Proverbs 31 women (more on that here), and how personalizing such morning routines can help us to fulfill our many responsibilities with grace and efficiency.
Structure & Order
First of all, having a morning routine helps to establish a sense of structure and order in our days. When we wake up at the same time every day, and follow a consistent routine, we create a rhythm of productivity that offers a sense of predictability that can reduce stress and anxiety. (Can I get a “Hallelujah” for anxiety reduction?!)
I’m sure I don’t have to convince you that we often have many tasks to juggle at once, from caring for our families to running businesses or ministries. When we know what to expect from our mornings, we can approach each day with a peaceful confidence and find satisfaction in our purpose.
Goal Setting
Setting structured daily goals can help us to focus our priorities effectively and appropriately. Proverbs 31 women are known for their wisdom, and what could display wisdom more appropriately than being intentional about how we spend our time?
By starting the day with a time of reflection, prayer, and/or Bible study, we can center ourselves and remind ourselves of what truly matters. We can be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
Growth & Soul Care
Finally, a morning routine can help us to cultivate a sense of self-care and lead to personal growth and sanctification. It is true that Proverbs 31 women are dedicated to serving others, but it’s important to remember that we can’t pour from an empty cup. By taking time in the morning to exercise, read, journal, and spend time alone with God, we can nourish our souls and grow in intimacy with Christ, which always leads to a ripple effect of blessing in our lives.
Crafting Your Morning Routine
Cultivating a morning routine that is specifically tailored to your needs and lifestyle is easier than you might think. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Start with prayer and scripture reading. Before you even get out of bed, before you grab your phone, stop and take a few moments to pray and read a passage from the Bible. This will help you set your mind on Christ and prepare yourself for the day ahead.
Set aside time for quiet reflection. Whether it’s through being still in His Presence, journaling, or praying, taking time to reflect on your faith and your goals for the day can help you stay focused and centered.
Incorporate worship into your routine. Whether it’s listening to worship music, singing hymns, or streaming a worship service/sermon, incorporating worship into your morning routine can help you stay connected to your faith and start your day on a positive note.
Practice gratitude and offer thanksgiving. Take a few moments each morning to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Thank the Lord for Who He Is! Study a new characteristic of Him that you are unfamiliar with and praise Him for that characteristic. This can help you deepen your understanding of God and develop deeper intimacy with Him.
Remember, cultivating a morning routine that is rooted in Christ is a process, and it may take some time to find a routine that works for you. But with patience, perseverance, and a disciplined commitment to your faith, you can create a morning routine that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ and live a more purposeful life.
My Personal Morning Routine
Please note: in different seasons of life, these rhythms look different and are tweaked. Overall, the elements remain the same, but it is important to remain flexible. When we become to rigid and too dependent on the consistency of the structure, it can have an opposite affect on us. What is meant to be a space where healthy boundaries provided a wide open space to safely roam within can quickly turn into an imbalanced snare of legalism, producing shame, guilt, and feelings of failure.
Just remember this: “… where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!” (2 Corinthians 3:17).
My Morning Routine
With every passing year, I am becoming more and more of a morning person. Not because waking up is always easy, but because the mornings are full of mercy, hope, stillness, and light.
Biblically speaking, Proverbs 31:15-17 shows us that the Proverbs 31 woman herself rose even before the sun to prepare for the needs of her family!
There is something reverent and holy about waking up before the rest of my household, opening the blinds to let the light in, making my morning coffee, lighting a candle, grabbing my Bible and a fuzzy blanket, and curling up on the couch. Usually, my sidekick- my Jobie girl (my Golden Retriever), will snuggle up with me for Bible time, too. One of the best parts of my day for sure!
Musical Worship
I always start out with some form of musical worship. Some days I will go to my piano and make up melodies to the Psalms and sing them to the Lord- I (along with many in the worship songwriter community) call this practice “Psalming”.
Sometimes I will sing my favorite worship songs, and sometimes I even write new songs to sing to the Lord. Often times, I open the Spotify app on my television and play an acoustic worship playlist. I spend about 15 minutes doing this. Three or four songs or so.
Pursue Peace & Eliminate Distractions
I have mentioned before on here that I have ADHD. Therefore, I am very easily distracted. I choose to play an instrumental worship playlist while I read my Bible. Though I can’t explain the science behind it (but I know it really is “a thing”), having music play in the background helps me to focus in more on what I am reading. I specifically choose to listen to instrumental worship while I read because, as a singer/songwriter myself, I am easily distracted by beautiful voices, melodies, and lyrics.
I love the peaceful atmosphere that is cultivated in my home when this music plays. It is deeply soothing. Sometimes, I will even let it play all day long so that nothing disrupts our peace.
Bible Study
Next, I simply read my Bible. I love to highlight and write in the margins. I have this gorgeous Hosanna Revival Note Taking Bible (CSB translation) and I love it so much. It is a hard cover Bible with a beautiful lemon tree design on the front (which some believe to be symbolic of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness and God’s provision and deliverance into the Promised Land).
The back cover has the Fruits of the Spirit passage from Galatians printed in a stunning gold foil script lettering. Because of the light, off-white color, I opt to keep mine stored in the green hardcover book sleeve when I am not using my Bible. I have found this to be very helpful. Even with it though, my Bible is still not in perfectly unblemished condition. But that is okay, because you know what they say:
“A Bible that is falling apart belongs to a person who isn’t!”
I also love these no-bleed, quick dry highlighters (and right now you can get this set of $12 aesthetic highlighters for under $5!). The colors are lovely, easy to see through, and they have a soft chisel tip, perfect for getting nice straight lines across your text.
I will share more about my take on this personal notebook in another post soon, but this is not just a notebook with lined paper. No, I’m talking about a small 3-ring binder with dividers and sections and all kinds of fun (well, fun if you’re a nerd like me) things!
In my “Time Alone with God” section, I have subdividers featuring things like:
Scriptures to memorize
Encouragement from the Lord (words that others have spoken or prayed over me)
Encouragement for others (words from the Lord/ things I feel led to share with others).
Prayer Requests
Answered Prayers
Personal Affirmations
Personal Mission Statement
I try to work through each divider in this section during my morning quiet time.
Section number 4, “Prayer requests”, does get a significant amount of my time. Daily, I pray for my family, close friends, and for our kids/our organization/our ministry team. Next, I write down the names of those I have said I would pray for first (often times I will write them down as I tell the person I am going to be in prayer, so they know I won’t forget!) As I pray, I try to also send that person a prayer or word of encouragement, sometimes a passage of scripture. Then, I pause and ask the Lord to place anyone else on my heart that He wants me to intercede for, encourage, or reach out to.
In another section of my notebook, the “personal productivity” section, I have a daily block schedule system I like to use (adapted from Jordan Page of’s Productivity Planner.)
If you’re a planner gal or person with ADHD that needs flexibility within structure, this is a must have for you!) I have bought so many of these planners for myself and for others- the only reason I don’t use one anymore is that I now have designed my own version that is more customized to my own needs and I can’t carry multiple bulky books everywhere I go. But I 10/10 recommend this planner and Jordan’s block schedule system (not sponsored). You can find an overview of this schedule and even a free printable on her site here.
On my personal adaption of the daily block system, I have a box where I list three additional prayer requests and three things I am grateful for. In the requests box, I put my top two long term prayer requests (like praying for a loved one who has cancer) and the third one I put a prayer specific to that day. Similarly, in the gratitude section, I always list my salvation first, my husband second, and then a third thing I am grateful for. There are days I take both my salvation and my husband for granted. I have felt so convicted of that. So I list those two first to help my feelings come into alignment with His Will over my flesh. Cultivating emotional intelligence & emotionally healthy spirituality has been a major part of my healing journey, so this practice has been really helpful for me.
My Morning Routine List
Before ending my quiet time, I like to make a practical plan for the rest of the day. I go through what is called my “morning list”, which is also partially adapted from Jordan Page’s productivity planner and partially from Donna Partow’s book mentioned above. My morning list is a checklist I do every morning, without compromise:
Quiet Time with Jesus
Take Meds
Make Bed
Get Ready for the Day
Unload Dishwasher
1 Load of Laundry
Encourage a Friend
This morning list (in addition to it’s counterpart, my evening list) keeps me productive, keeps my family functioning, and ensures their basic needs are met.
Concluding My Morning Routine: Everyday on Mission
Finally, I have a section that I call “Everyday on Mission” where I write out one goal and action item to complete that day in each of the following areas:
Having this breakdown as a visual helps me to stay on task, stand rooted in my faith, take care of my family well, and helps ensure I do not neglect my the responsibilities. All of these elements together help me steward well what God has entrusted to me.
In Conclusion
I am by no means perfect and would never claim to be.
This routine did not come to me because I reached a certain level of holiness or spiritual maturity. It came to me like a life raft, by God’s grace, in a sea of struggle. He put things in front of me, like the tools from women like Donna Partow & Jordan Page, to to help me come into alignment with Him. By my flesh & human nature, I lack discipline & self control. Add that to my impulsivity and distractibility and I am telling you- I am a mess.
But a fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control. He provides a way out of temptation and struggle. So by His Spirit, I am organized. I am disciplined. I am rooted.
Communing with God is a vital aspect of our spiritual life. We set aside intentional pockets of time to connect with Him. We steal away to our cultivated sacred spaces where we quiet the voices of our world to press in and listen for Him to speak. Communion with God in the “Secret Place” gives reference to Psalm 91:1.
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
The “Secret Place” is a term many use to describe the time we spend alone with God. The relational realm where we can pour out our hearts to Him, listen to His voice, and receive guidance and direction, rebuke & reconciliation.
The Secret Place is not a physical location, but rather a location cultivated in the spiritual realm around us. It is a place of intimacy. A place where we can be vulnerable and transparent with God, leaving nothing hidden or unsaid. Sacred space where we can lay down our burdens and find rest. The place where we can receive deep healing, comfort, and peace.
The Worshipful Act of Intention
Simply put, communion with God in the Secret Place requires time spent intentionally with Him. We live in a busy world, and it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Prioritizing our relationship with God, however, is essential and should be one of those daily “non-negotiables”.
There is no life in us apart from Him. He is the vine, we are the branches (John 15). Neglecting to spend time in His Presence or in His Word would be like neglecting to eat. We may make it a few hours, a few days, etc., but our physical bodies will pay a price. We will be starving, hangry, irritable, exhausted, etc. But it won’t necessarily cause us to stop living… immediately.
In the same way, just as starvation can eventually lead to physical death, neglecting time in the Secret Place can lead to a sort of spiritual death. When we neglect that set apart time, our faith suffers. Our ability to press on in the hard moments begins to fade. Attitudes suffer, our joy dissipates, and we trap ourselves under the crushing weight of the burdens we allow ourselves to accumulate.
Eventually, we stop relying on Him altogether. We simply forget that we can lay our heavy burdens down and pickup His instead; a yoke that is easy to bear and a burden that is light (Matt. 11:30). All the while, He never stops showing up. He is always ready and willing, so why aren’t we?
Purposeful Priorities
I’ve heard it taught before that, proper priorities look something like: God first, family second, career third. I think there is some definite truth to this hierarchy, though I would tweak it ever so slightly. I would write it as: God first, spouse second, children third, career fourth. I would also add a little asterisk (*) between God first and * spouse second that has a footnote reading “* In some cases, putting yourself before your spouse is more important.”
This is not a license to be selfish and put your needs above theirs. Rather, this is to say that “you cannot pour from an empty cup”. You need to come and fill your soul first (at the well that never runs dry) so that you can have something to pour into your spouse, kids, and career.
Obedience & Watchfulness
Once we become so acutely aware of our need for making time with Him, we must be faithful to show up. Obedience is the first step to hearing His voice. You can read ALL about this concept of obedience as the first step in Priscilla Shirer’s study “Discerning the Voice of God“. Obedience leads to discipline. Discipline leads to consistency.
When we step into that sacred, set-apart space, we can begin to focus on fostering intimacy with God. (Intimacy meaning a relationship where both parties are deeply connected to one another.) It is in this secret place where chains fall off, identity is restored, and revelation is revealed. This proves that the Secret Place, where we commune with God, is a space worth fighting for.
We can be certain that dwelling with Him in the Secret Place will give us direct access to freedom, one hundred percent of the time (2 Corinthians 3:17). Because of that liberating power, the enemy will stop at NOTHING to keep us too busy, too distracted, or too lazy to be consistent. Satan does not want us free. He wants us broken, beaten, tired, and worn down. What more strategic way for the “father of lies” to ensnare us than to convince us that we don’t have time to enter the Secret Place?
Consistant Communion
Communing with God in the Secret Place is not a one-time event, but rather a lifestyle, requiring discipline, intentionality, and honestly, spiritual warfare. As we make a habit of coming into His Presence, we will find that our relationship with Him deepens, and we become more in tune with His voice (John 10:14, 27-28). Subsequently, we may also find we experience more spiritual attack, oppression, and doubt. This is all futile attempts of the devil to thwart our pursuit of the Prince of Peace.
Cultivating Quiet
As we make it a priority in our lives, we will find that our relationship with God becomes richer and more fulfilling. The blessings will become immeasurable and our lives will be flooded with the peace that passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7). So what does it look like to cultivate sacred space and enter the Secret Place? Here are a few ideas:
The Where
First things first: find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. If that’s impossible, grab some noise-cancelling headphones and a “Do Not Disturb” sign – you’re gonna need ’em. Maybe you want to create your own war room, (just like in the movie War Room!)
Get comfortable. Whether it’s a cozy chair, a soft blanket, or a pile of cushions, make sure you’re relaxed and at ease. I like to light a candle and grab a soft blanket to snuggle up with.
The How
Start with a prayer. Ask God to join you in the “Secret Place” and to reveal His presence to you. I like to pray using the “P.R.A.Y” acronym. P– praise God for who He is, R– repent of sin, A– ask for His provision, to supply all of your needs, and to answer your prayer requests, and Y– Yield to the Lord. Wait on Him, and trust that all of His promises are “Yes & Amen”. Wait in confidence knowing that He answers all prayers. If the answer is yes, have confidence knowing that your request aligns to His will. If it is a “no” or “not yet”, have faith that His timing is perfect and His ways are higher and greater.
Take a deep breath and let go of all your worries and distractions. Imagine them floating away like confetti, leaving you feeling light and free (and if you love confetti as much as I do, joyful!)
Engage in different spiritual disciplines. Read your Bible, sing worship songs, or simply sit in silence and listen for His voice. Whatever works for you! This time doesn’t have to look any certain way. It is a heart to Heart, spirit to Spirit interaction between you and The Lord.
A Holy Longing for Us to Commune with God in the Secret Place
Don’t be afraid to be yourself. God loves your quirks and your sense of humor- He wrote them into your DNA. So go ahead and crack a joke or two – He’s got a great sense of humor! Finally, remember that the “Secret Place” is not an invitation-only space. It’s a 24/7 access point and nothing/no one can ever close the door.
Wholly Healthy
Just as in any relationship, it is important to be emotionally healthy when pursuing deeper intimacy with God. Self-awareness is required. Identifying blind spots and other areas of growth are important so we make healthy associations about what we discover in the Secret Place with the Truth of the Word and who He is/what He is saying.
Read more about this important topic in another one of my posts, here.
Final Thoughts
In closing, I just want to encourage you.
God loves you so much. I hope you can read those words and receive that. He loves you SO much, he thought you were worth dying for. He made the decision to send his Son to the world, to die on the cross for every single sin you and I would ever commit, transcendently. He exists outside of space and time. He IS the beginning and the end. He sees it all outside of our finite, linear perspective.
When we honor Him by communing with God in the Secret place, His heart overflows for us. When we are actively engaging our most secret and rebellious sins, His heart overflows for us. That is unconditional love. It is unfathomable. It is unreal. Yet, it is completely true and accessible.
Here are a few Truth-filled reminders to encourage you as you embark on your journey to the Secret Place:
The Word never returns void, so you can’t go wrong by reading scripture (Isaiah 55:11).
When you believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, remember to test the spirits and discern what is truly from God (1 John 4:1-6).
If you are uncertain of something or struggling to understand, always reach out to a trusted mentor, pastor, or spiritually wise friend who can help.
So what are you waiting for? Grab a cup of coffee, a pen, and your Bible, and head into the Secret Place!
Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman in today’s world can feel intimidating and sometimes, unattainable. The overbearing social pressures and expectations are overwhelming. But fear not, my dear sisters, for I have some tips to help you navigate these uncharted waters that have proven to help me on my own journey!
Let’s begin by reviewing this hefty passage of scripture:
Who can find a wife of noble character? She is far more precious than jewels. 11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will not lack anything good. 12 She rewards him with good, not evil, all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax and works with willing hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from far away. 15 She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household and portions for her female servants. 16 She evaluates a field and buys it; she plants a vineyard with her earnings. 17 She draws on her strength and reveals that her arms are strong. 18 She sees that her profits are good, and her lamp never goes out at night. 19 She extends her hands to the spinning staff, and her hands hold the spindle. 20 Her hands reach out to the poor, and she extends her hands to the needy. 21 She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all in her household are doubly clothed. 22 She makes her own bed coverings; her clothing is fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is known at the city gates, where he sits among the elders of the land. 24 She makes and sells linen garments; she delivers belts to the merchants. 25 Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come. 26 Her mouth speaks wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle. 28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also praises her: 29 “Many women have done noble deeds, but you surpass them all!” 30 Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised. 31 Give her the reward of her labor, and let her works praise her at the city gates.
Now, this is not one of those Proverbs 31 Woman posts where we dig deep into what each word means. That is a great way to study this passage, (and a great way to study scripture in any capacity, honestly) but we are going to take a little bit of a different approach. We will be talking about what the characteristics of this godly woman look like from a practical and culturally relevant perspective.
Please don’t hear me saying that this passage, word for word, has no relevance. That is not at all what I am saying. But when it comes to things like “She extends her hands to the spinning staff, and her hands hold the spindle,” I think we can all agree that most women in today’s world aren’t sitting at spinning wheels to prepare to make clothing for their families (myself included).
Top 3 Must-Do’s for Proverbs 31 Women Today
First and foremost, you can’t take yourself too seriously. Yes, being a Proverbs 31 woman means being a virtuous and hardworking individual, but it also means having a sense of humor. Especially when things go awry. So go ahead and laugh at yourself when you accidentally burn dinner or forget to pick up the kids from school. It happens to the best of us!
Secondly, embrace your quirks. We all have them, so why not celebrate them? Maybe you’re a bit of a bookworm or a hopeless romantic. Maybe you love to sing in the shower or dance around the house in your pajamas. Or maybe you’re a “Disney Adult” like me! Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to let your colorful personality shine through. God created you with each of those quirks. If He saw it important and beautiful to weave them into your DNA, I think that proves the importance of embracing such qualities.
Lastly, surround yourself with like-minded women. We are created for a purpose- to engage in community with God and with others. It’s vital to have a support system that understands and encourages your desire to live a Proverbs 31 lifestyle. Find a group of ladies who share your values. They can provide accountability and encouragement as you strive to be the best version of yourself. A great place to start might be the Women’s Ministry at your church. Check to see if any upcoming Women’s Bible Studies are being offered. Plugging into that study can help to deepen relationships with a whole group of likeminded women.
So, a quick recap: 1. Don’t take things too seriously, be the most YOU that you can be, and plug into a community. Like Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.”
The Modern Proverbs 31 Woman Today
Her Marriage
The Proverbs 31 woman is a timeless example of a “wife of noble character”. She is a woman who is full of integrity, loving, and virtuous. Her husband is blessed to have her as his partner in life and he recognizes that. He trusts her to provide for his every need, and she does so with joy and grace. Her love for her husband is evident in the way she rewards him with good things. She never repays him with evil or “getting even.”
Her Husband
In turn, the husband of the Proverbs 31 woman is a man of great character. He is well-known and revered, not only for his own accomplishments but also for the way he leads their family. His wife’s value is something he cherishes. He praises her for all that she does and knows that she is worthy of that praise. This paints a beautiful picture of the responsibility of each spouse. Both must bring equal amounts of energy and effort to their roles in the marriage/family unit. When the scales are balanced, peace is prevalent.
Together, the Proverbs 31 woman and her husband are an beautiful example to follow. They provide a picture of what it means to have a strong and loving partnership. They are both characterized by their noble character, their love for one another, and their commitment to their family. These qualities are just as important today as they were in biblical times. They serve as a model for all couples who strive to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship.
Her Children
The Proverbs 31 Woman Today Provides Loving Instruction
One of a Proverbs 31 woman’s notable traits is her ability to give loving instruction to her children. She recognizes the value of teaching and guiding her children, and she does it with love and patience. This quality of the Proverbs 31 Woman is still relevant today. We seek to raise children who are not only successful, but also kind and compassionate. Colossians 3:21 reminds parents not to provoke their children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Ephesians 6:1-4 says something similar;
Fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
I heard a wonderful sermon on parenting in 2022 that has stuck with me because of the profound revelation I had while listening. My husband and I don’t have any biological children on earth (we have one in Heaven), but we have had over 50 children live with us over the last four years as we’ve served in a ministry that serves kids in hard places. It is somewhat similar to Foster Care.
Learning to parent for the first time is challenging enough, but God thought it would be a good idea to have us learn with a house full of kids who have significant and varying levels of trauma. (Don’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor!)
The thing about kids in general, but especially kids with any measure of trauma, they really need consistency and that doesn’t just mean a structured daily routine. It absolutely also includes a need for the adults in their lives to have consistency in their attitude, tone, and the way they respond to situations.
Her Emotional Intelligence
I don’t believe these passages above are saying “do whatever it takes to make sure your children don’t get mad at you.” I do think that there is wisdom, though, in thinking that if we (as the parents) consistently speak to our children with love and respect, even when we are upset, correcting, etc., there will be a level of safety attained and some relational equity/ trust built up.
When children feel safe and like they can trust you, they are likely to respond to you differently. In that sermon I mentioned earlier, that profound revelation I had came when the pastor said “Yelling at children never builds trust. Yelling scares and moves children into submission. Overtime, that submission turns children into good soldiers and good prisoners, but not into productive members of society.”
All of this affirms the importance of giving loving instruction to our children and maintaining our own emotional intelligence.
She Seeks to Plan Ahead
Another characteristic of the Proverbs 31 Woman is her ability to plan ahead. She rises early to ensure that all those she cares for are provided for. As a a woman of action, she does not wait for circumstances to dictate her actions. She takes charge of her life and the lives of those around her. This quality is important now more than ever. As we face unprecedented challenges, we are required to be proactive and resilient in an ever changing world.
The Proverbs 31 Woman is also known for being prepared in advance. She is “not afraid for her household when it snows”. She ensures that her family is well-clothed and taken care of even in the harshest of weather conditions. This quality is a reminder for us to be prepared for whatever life may throw our way. We must learn to anticipate challenges. We can take proactive steps to ensure that we and our loved ones are ready to face them.
She is a Reputable Woman
Finally, the Proverbs 31 Woman’s children “rise and call her blessed.” They respect, honor, and love her. This is a testament to her character as a mother and a caregiver. Her children recognize her sacrifices and her love for them, which is a reflection of her devotion to her family. This quality is still relevant today. We strive to raise children who are grateful and respectful, especially toward their parents.
Her ability to give loving instruction to her children, plan ahead and rise early, prepare in advance, and be respected and loved by her children are qualities that are attainable in today’s world. By doing so, we can build stronger families and communities that are grounded in love, respect, and compassion.
Her Home
The Proverbs 31 Woman Today Pursues Wise Investments
The Proverbs 31 woman’s many admirable qualities are something to celebrate. These include her wisdom, her hard work, and her dedication to her family. Another celebration-worthy aspect of her character is her approach to managing her household.
Next, let’s discuss another desirable trait of the Proverbs 31 woman. She makes wise investments in the things that matter most to her family. When purchasing things like wool and flax, she does so with an eye towards quality and value. She does not simply settle for the cheapest or most convenient option. (Oof, that hits. Millenial/Lover of convenience over here!) She recognizes that spending a little extra money upfront can pay off in the long run. Both in terms of the durability of the items she buys and the satisfaction they bring to her family.
Additionally, the food she purchases is nutrient dense and not destructive to the body. In our modern world with fast food convenience, I find this one particularly convicting. How often have I chosen the more convenient-for-me option? Grabbing McDonald’s or a pizza for my kids instead of planning ahead for a nutrient rich meal is too easy. Honestly, isn’t it just as easy to throw something in the crockpot or pressure cooker? For me, it comes down to planning (or the lack thereof).
This goes back to wise investments. How do we spend our money? What do we spend our resources on? How do we use (or waste) our time? Surely, with a little planning, this is one area we can all start to see some growth (and blessings!)
She Understands Frugality & Sustainability
Similarly, the Proverbs 31 woman is notably frugal. She has an uncanny ability to make the most of what she has. When she can create something herself, she does so rather than relying on store-bought items. When she has a surplus, she puts her skills to work. By making (and even selling) linen garments, she is able to earn an income to help support her family. In a world riddled with MLM’s, we can see that this core desire remains. Women are seeking to industriously support their families in their limited spare time.
I am fully supportive of moms who want to work outside of the home full-time. Where would we be without these women and world changers? To the moms who have made the decision to stay at home full-time, your job is just as important. For any mom, finding the time to take a hot shower can be nearly impossible. The expectation that we also need to use our practically-non-existent free time to make additional income seems overwhelming and exhausting.
The Proverbs 31 woman shows us a beautiful and balanced way to do this. She stewards her earnings and invests them. Her investment becomes profitable and she collects on the return. The investment is wise financially because she know it will produce return after return, year after year.
Her earnings probably were not flashy sports cars, Apple Watches, or massive payouts. But we can be certain that the Lord always provides more than enough!
She is Disciplined & Intentional
Perhaps most importantly, the Proverbs 31 woman is an expert manager of her home and her family’s affairs. She is never lazy, always looking for ways to improve the lives of those around her. I assume this means she not only keeps their family calendar organized, but she intentionally pursues productivity as well. She recognizes that her role as a homemaker is just as important as any other career. She takes her responsibilities seriously.
In a world that often values convenience over quality, our priorities have become skewed. The world encourages us to accumulate more and more material “things”. The Proverbs 31 woman offers a refreshing example of what it means to invest in the things that matter most. Whether we are homemakers ourselves or looking to live more intentional lives, there is much we can learn from her example.
The Modern Proverbs 31 Woman & Her Personhood
The Proverbs 31 Woman Today is Admirable
Two of the most admirable qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman are her noble virtue and her highly valued worth. Her character is trustworthy, consistent and strong, and she is intentional with her time and energy. In today’s world, these qualities look like:
Knowing our identity in Christ and walking confidently in it
Not allowing ourselves to settle for less than we deserve
Maintaining our integrity
Living above reproach
Take note of this important reality. There is a real difference between knowing our identity in Christ and receiving it as truth. Honestly, I think this is one of those lifelong mysteries. We will be uncovering it, piece by piece, until Jesus returns. For example, it isn’t always possible to read “I am a child of God” and immediately feel and know it on a soul level. Part of the beauty of God’s plan for our sanctifying journey (and evidence of his lovingkindness) is to encounter those little crevices in our heart that struggle to believe thanks to the influences of our sinful world.
Once he reveals Himself to those parts of our hearts, we receive revelation of His truth. Once we have obtained that revelatory Truth, we are responsible to maintain our belief. This happens by remembering the moments when He reveals those truths. You can think of them as “stake-in-the-ground” moments that are never up for question again. Remember, the Word reminds us that our feelings can be liars! We have to rely on God’s Truth over our feelings. Every time. (You can read a little more about that here.)
She is Strong & Honorable
This woman is a superhero. Her money works for her while she balances her family and her many duties. She pursues hard work and ensures she meets her deadlines are met But she is not just about personal gain. She is also generous, giving to the poor and needy as she is able.
Overall, the qualities above all point back to two main, overarching qualities. The Proverbs 31 woman is strong and honorable. She is not insecure. She is a woman who confidently stays in her lane. Celebrating and making space for others is a priority. She is never petty or jealous. Her priority is to invest in developing wisdom so she can speak wisdom. Always staying in the Word, feasting & meditating on it, hiding it in her heart. She follows the commands of scripture and is “transformed by the renewing of [her] mind“. And she knows that being pretty and friendly bring her confidence but alone are fleeting. She understands that honoring God will outlast both and that is what is worthy of being noticed.
In Conclusion
Although her rewards may not always be earthly, she is (and will be) rewarded. Her reputation of being a great woman is a reward in itself. In a world that often values the wrong things, the Proverbs 31 woman stands out. She is a shining example of what it means to be truly valuable and honorable. May we all grow to be a little more like her in our daily lives.
PS, try not to spend too much time striving after the Proverbs 31 woman’s example. The only time scripture calls us to strive is in Hebrews 4:11 where we are called to strive to enter into His rest.
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Hi, I’m Molly! 🌿✨ I’m passionate about helping others flourish—mind, body, and spirit. After a life-changing health transformation, including bariatric surgery and overcoming challenges with faith, I’m learning to thrive, even in the messiness of life. As a future Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Holistic Health Practitioner, I share tips on health, wellness, and personal growth to inspire you to bloom into the best version of yourself.
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