You read that right- I am having bariatric surgery on April 22nd, 2024. A Gastric Sleeve to be precise. To learn more about the procedure, click the link to my surgeon’s website, here.
The Past Shapes the Future
I don’t remember a time when my weight wasn’t a source of shame or self-hatred. For every beautiful and positive memory I have, there are at least three negative memories or experiences I can recall that stem from my weight and being bullied, discriminated against, or shamed for the way I look.
Painful Young Memories
In the 6th grade, I was a cheerleader. I can remember jumping up and down, waving my pom-poms in celebration as the boys’ basketball team ran up and down the court. I can also vividly remember one specific boy on the team making jokes about the whole earth shaking as I jumped (and loud enough for everyone in the entire gym to hear). I was humiliated. The next day I decided that I could never eat lunch in front of my peers at school again. This is the first memory I have of beginning a “diet”. What it really was, though, was food shame and the beginning of my disordered eating.
Like so many, I struggled all through the rest of middle and high school with my appearance. I was never pretty enough, trendy enough, skinny enough, my teeth were too crooked, my hair was too short or too brown. I wanted to change everything about myself. When I realized couldn’t, I would turn to the one thing that brought me some comfort and temporary happiness- food.
I remember going on an incredibly expensive medically-supervised diet program in high school. I was able to drink a meal replacement shake for breakfast and lunch, and allowed one meal per day. That meal was required to be strictly meat and vegetables. I was allowed one snack per day- one small pack of seasoned pine nuts. I was consuming just under 800 calories per day. I lost several pounds on this diet. I also lost my vibrancy. I couldn’t stay awake in class, I was so hungry all the time that all I could do was think about how everyone around me was able to go out with friends to eat and I was trapped in this cycle because my body was too fat to be socially acceptable. I gained all of the weight back and then some.
On and On it Goes
I remember random well-meaning women in my community volunteering to “come alongside of me” to help me lose the weight… Like they held the code that would finally unlock my ability to be lovable or worthy. Every time, I worked hard, lost some weight, and then failed and gained all of it back, plus more. My shame grew deeper. I was a disappointment to myself, and to others. At least, I thought I was.
In high school, one of my best friend’s boyfriends actually told me I needed to go on a diet to be able to be her friend. He forced me to only eat pickles when we were around each other (which was very often at the time). Another time, a different boyfriend of hers wanted to spend some time alone with her while I was with her, so his solution was to show up with a McDonalds cheeseburger so that I could enjoy that while they had some “alone time”.
By my senior year I had heard everything from “How far along are you? Oh, you’re not pregnant? Just fat?” to “You have a pretty face. If you just lost some weight…” to “Boys might want to date you if you tried to lose some pounds.”
When will the Misery End?
In college, I tried a variety of diets. I had met The Lord during this season of my life, so I even hyper-spiritualized my weight-loss approaches thinking that “if I just had enough self-control” I could do it. I read a book called “Fit for My King” (it is a real book, y’all), trying to will myself into honoring the Lord and treating my body as a temple. I tried the Daniel Fast. I even went vegan for about six months (Ps, if you didn’t know, you can actually be really unhealthy as a vegan… Sugar, cocoa, and vegan butter make excellent cookies). I even made a covenant with God and myself that I would lose weight and had my best friends come over and sign it as witnesses to hold me accountable.
I ended up taking a semester off of college and interning at Disney World. That was probably the healthiest season of my life in terms of my physical and mental health. I was working 60+ hours a week at times and was always on my feet. I didn’t take a car to Florida, so I walked everywhere (and took the bus). I spent my off days running around all of the Disney parks or at the beach.
Little Victories?
I came home from this internship about 50lbs. lighter than when I started. I didn’t change a thing about my diet intentionally. I attribute this major loss to my being truly happy for the first time in a very long time. When I was happy, I didn’t run to food. I ran to fun. I spent time with my friends. I lived my life to the fullest. When my internship ended, I went back to college. I gained all of the weight back, plus more.
Toward the end of my college experience, I did an internship at a church that I loved. I met my husband and we got married. Early in my marriage, my mother-in-law gifted me some “new clothes”. I was a size 24, but she gifted me a size 32 dress. I was mortified and so embarrassed and hurt that I ran and hid in the basement laundry room of our apartment building and sobbed.
Shortly after getting married, one of my bosses from that former internship called and offered me a job at a new church he was working at. I was elated to be pursued for a job in my field, and to get to work with this person that I greatly admired again. When I got there, one of the first things he said to me was “Molly, this position is a student worship position. We want the person filling this role to be one that parents look at and can say “I want my kid to be like this person in every way-” and you are definitely that person! Except for physically. So part of your job description is going to be going to the gym and losing weight.”
In hindsight, I obviously should have never accepted that role. But I had spent so many years desperate to break free from the prison of weight I was bound to that I chose to gaslight myself into believing that this person just cared for my physical health as much as he cared about my spiritual health. This, my friends, is an example of spiritual abuse.
The Turning Point
In 2017, one of my best friends got married. I was his “woman of honor” in the wedding and it was one of the most fun nights of my life. When the photos came in, I couldn’t wait to see them and relive the entire experience. And then I saw the first photo. I didn’t even recognize the girl in the photo. How could I have let myself spiral so out of control? Once again, I was embarrassed and ashamed, and I knew I had to do something.
This time, things were different, though. I started talking with a trusted mentor who helped me identify some areas of my life that were deeply unhealed. When I started to deal with those things in prayer and in counseling, I started to be able to identify unhealthy thought patterns and I was empowered to start making healthier choices for myself. Because I was worthy of those healthier choices and the benefits associated with them.
Below is a picture of me from the wedding in November 2017 (on the left) and a photo of me sitting in my car before a counseling session in March 2024 (the right).
Fast forward to my life now. I am 32 years old. I have been married for nine years. My husband and I have struggled with infertility. I have a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, Type II Diabetes, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and most recently, Pseudotumor Cerebri (read more about that here). My weight is still a battle and I am often reminded of it by well-meaning friends or family members who make comments about how I just need to be more disciplined or how scared they are for me. As if I am not terrified for myself. As if I haven’t spent my entire life consumed with self-hatred over my multiple failed attempts at getting free.
But I’ve also lost 78 lbs.
It is a huge victory to have lost that much weight naturally. It took me seven years, but I have done it. Seven years of learning to scratch the surface of what it means to love myself where I am. Learning to understand what my body needs vs. what my brokenness and sinful flesh desire.
I needed the last seven years of learning, fighting, and healing to prepare myself for the lifestyle change associated with bariatric surgery. It might not be the best choice for some. But I am more than confident that this is the best choice for me.
God’s Faithfulness in the Midst of my Pain
When I first stepped onto this path, I was burdened not just by physical weight, but by a heaviness deep in my spirit. I had tried and failed numerous times, each attempt chipping away at my confidence and self-esteem. The road has not been easy. There were moments of vulnerability, where I felt exposed and defeated.
Yet, it was in these moments that I felt God’s presence the most. He was there in the early mornings when I laced up my walking shoes, in the late nights when I journaled my thoughts and prayers, and in every choice I made towards a healthier lifestyle. My weight loss journey became a spiritual journey, transforming not just my body, but my heart and soul. I learned to see myself through God’s eyes – not defined by my weight, but as a beloved child of God, worthy of love and capable of incredible things.
This renewed mindset is what led me to choose life, and to do so by having bariatric surgery. My PCP, my fertility doctor, and my bariatric surgeon have all shared with me how a lifetime of diet culture has not only wrecked my mindset, it has also wrecked my metabolism. My hunger hormones are out of whack. My relationship with food needs healing. All of these things have been, are being, and will continue to be addressed through my bariatric journey.
For once in my life, I am excited about my future, not looking ahead with fear. Doors I thought would be closed forever now seem accessible. I might finally get to carry a baby to term, hold them in my arms, and raise them. I will be able to hike and enjoy the beautiful mountains I live near. The inner healing I have worked so hard to attain will, for the first time ever, be visible on the outside.
This journey has taught me that our vulnerabilities are not weaknesses, but opportunities for God to work through us. It’s a reminder that our battles, whether they’re with weight, self-esteem, or any other challenge, are not fought alone. God walks with us, providing strength, comfort, and guidance. My journey is far from over, but I move forward with a lighter step, not just in body, but in spirit. For anyone standing at the foot of their own mountain, remember, you are not alone. With faith as your foundation, perseverance as your path, and God’s love as your strength, there is no journey too daunting, no mountain too high.
If you’re a fellow bariatric patient (or love someone who is a bariatric patient), I invite you to join my private facebook group called Bariatric Besties: A Vibrant, Supportive Community for Bariatric Patients.
Also known as Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH).
Also referred to as “Liquid Brain Tumor Syndrome”.
No, it isn’t cancer. No, there is not a tumor. No, they don’t know what causes it (thus the “Idiopathic” part). Yes, I am doing okay. God is faithful. Read more, below!
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.Read my full disclosure here.
Well hello, 2024. I have been pretty absent from my blog for the last several months. Sorry about that. Sometimes, life becomes all-consuming and something has to hit the back burner. This space had to take the hit for me for a bit. But I am back and hoping to be more consistent moving forward!
I started out this new year claiming victory since 2023 was such a nightmare. For those of you don’t know, we went on vacation to Florida in February 2023 and I tripped at our resort, (nearly falling over a third-story balcony railing) breaking my left ankle, my right foot, and tearing several tendons and ligaments in both feet/ankles, my right hand, and right shoulder. I spent most of 2023 in a wheelchair recovering from surgeries and wearing a walking boot. When I wasn’t in the chair, I was using a *super cute* mobility knee scooter. But don’t worry, I did not let it get me down! *Eye twitches*
I just knew that 2023 was going to be left in the past and 2024 would be a year of new beginnings! That has been true, so far… Just not the type of “new beginnings” I was expecting.
Back in May 2023, I started having issues with extreme redness my right eye. It didn’t hurt or itch, I wouldn’t even know it was red until others would approached me with concern saying things like “Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” Here is a picture:
At first, I assumed it was allergy related. Since moving to Chatt in 2019 (the seasonal allergen capital of the world thanks to the mountains surrounding the “dust bowl” that is Chattanooga), my allergies have been other worldly. I am talking watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, and ear infections all. the. time! I made sure to take my zyrtec regularly, and even talked to my primary doctor about any additional allergy meds I could take (she added montelukast) and I figured the problem would resolve on its own. When it didn’t, I decided to see my ophthalmologist to rule out something like a corneal ulcer or something. All of those tests came back normal, so my eye doctor assumed I was having an allergic reaction to my contact solution. We switched solutions, my eyes seemed to clear up, and we thought we had found the problem! Until it came back.
Not only did the redness in my eyes come back, I also had some really strange allergic reactions to a few different things that I had never been allergic to previously: (1) gel nail polish- my nails were literally lifting away from the nail beds and bleeding and blistering. It was wild and so painful, (2) meloxicam- a strong ibuprofen prescribed by my surgeon after ankle surgery- it caused horrific cramping. I was walking out to my car and was doubled over in pain. It felt like my internal organs were trying to fall out of my body. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was terrifying, and (3) I started having acne appear on my face, worse than when I was fourteen. Picture of my acne and rosacea covered skin:
My migraines started to increase in frequency, too. I have struggled with migraines since early high school. They are horrible. When one comes on, I have a very small window of time to load up on ibuprofen, grab some peppermint essential oil, a fan, my headache hat (just like this one that is only $9 right now!), and lay completely flat in a dark room until it eases up enough that I can somewhat function. Sometimes I would even use a massage gun on my head because the vibration would help to numb out the pain. Nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite, lots of misery-induced tears, and prayer after pray of me pleading with God to please intervene and ease the pain. Talk about debilitating.
The fact that these headaches were becoming more frequent was a major problem. Not only did I not want to live with the constant pain, I also knew I couldn’t do my job well, I couldn’t do my grad school work well, and I couldn’t be the wife my husband needed me to be if I couldn’t function. I noticed that my vision, specifically in my right eye, was changing a lot. So I went back to the eye doctor assuming it was just time for my new prescription. My prescription had changed slightly, but the strangest part was that all of a sudden, my right eye was now nearsighted while my left eye was farsighted. Those glasses took some getting used to!
In addition to my bizarre prescription change, my eye doctor also ended up noticing I had a lot of dryness in my eyes and was concerned about the increase in my headaches, so she ordered some blood work, including an autoimmune panel to test for Sjogren’s Syndrome, Lupus, and anything else that could be flagged in an antibody test. Everything came back normal. I had two major ankle surgeries (one in May, one in September) in the middle of all of this, so my eye stuff had to take a back burner for a bit.
At this point, it was probably October. My new prescription glasses had come in and I had been wearing them for a couple of weeks. I had a follow up appointment to ensure my new prescription was working okay and to make sure my redness was under control. At that appointment, she had me cover each eye while wearing my glasses and read the tiny letters across the room. My right eye failed the test again. We did some more adjustments on my prescription and found that I needed a stronger power in that right eye now. The same process happened three more times over the next several weeks- I would go home and use the new prescription for a couple of weeks, go back for a follow up check, and the right eye would be worse. At the third appointment, my eye doctor noticed my optic nerves looked pretty enlarged and decided to send me for further testing; a visual field study (test peripheral vision) and an OCT laser scan (that looks deep at the optic nerve). When she called that other doctor’s office to setup my appointment, she had requested those scans be done urgently, so I started to get a little bit nervous, but I told myself it was going to be nothing and that everything would be fine.
About four days later, (we are nearing the end of November or so at this point). I went in for those scans. The techs that performed the tests were not allowed to give me any results and said my doctor would call as soon as she had them. The unfortunate part was that the results could only be sent snail mail after a doctor had read them and made a report of findings. This process took about eight days. Eight of the longest days of my life. I was sure once we got those answers, though, everything would make sense.
My doctor finally called with results about a week after Thanksgiving. I got the call when sitting outside of my counselor’s office right before my session. This was Divine intervention, as The Lord knew I would need a safe space to process all that I was feeling after getting the call. When I answered, my doctor said “Hey Molly, I got your results back from your tests. The visual field study looks great- no issues there. The OCT, however, shows some sort of tumor or mass on your optic nerve. The next step would be to get you into a neuro-ophthalmologist, but there aren’t any in Chattanooga. The second best option would be to see a neurologist, but there are none who are accepting new patients in Chattanooga currently, and even if they were, it can take 6 months or so to get in to see someone and we needed something that could help us figure out what we were dealing with more quickly. I am going to call a retina specialist and see if they have the ability to do a B-scan which can give us a clearer picture of what we are dealing with.”
I said “Okay. Thank you.” Immediately, I got out of the car and walked into my counselor’s office. As soon as my counselor said “Hey, how are you?” I started sobbing. We are talking ugly crying at this point. I was so scared. All these thoughts started racing through my mind, “How was I going to tell my husband? My kids? My siblings, nieces, nephews, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles? A tumor? Was it cancer? was it brain cancer? Was it benign? Was it malignant? Would I live even another six weeks? Would I become a burden on everyone around me now? Why would The Lord call me to go to graduate school if He was going to walk me through this?”
Once I was able to verbalize all of my fears, Sarah (my counselor) reminded me that God is not a God of fear or panic. He wouldn’t call me to something to abandon me, and He wouldn’t allow me to face a thing that He didn’t have an ordained purpose for. I knew she was right. We concluded our session with prayer. She prayed over me prayers of health, healing, deliverance, and peace. Once I got in my car, I sat there for a moment. I spent my drive home talking with God, saying “Okay, God. I am willing to do whatever you want. Give me courage and strength. Give me peace. Above all, help this whole situation point back to Your glory in a way that shows everyone around me, especially those who don’t know You, that You are the God who works miracles together.” I didn’t stop feeling afraid, but I did have peace.
Getting into the retina specialist took longer than I would have hoped due to the holidays. We sat waiting in the unknown for about fifteen days, then I was finally able to be seen on January 4th, 2024. The B-scan (like an ultrasound of the eyes) was performed and the doctor was able to tell us that the mass seen in the OCT scan was not actually a tumor! Instead, it was a sort of sack of excess cerebrospinal fluid pressing up against the optic nerve. This seemed like great news! I said, “Great! So I don’t have a brain tumor?” The doctor said “… Well, I can’t guarantee that. But I am going to refer you to another doctor who has more experience with conditions like yours, dealing with increased pressure in the brain. He is a neuro-ophthalmologist. His office will call you within a week to set up an appointment.”
Great. More waiting. Another referral. Still no official answers, and no means of treating any of my debilitating symptoms.
It took two weeks for the new doctor’s office to call me and set up an appointment. It took another week and a half to get in to be seen. By the time we got to the appointment, I was so ready to finally get some answers. This doctor performed several tests. I was in his office for about two hours. By the time he went over all of the test results with me, I was exhausted and my head hurt so bad from all of the poking and prodding. The doctor said “The good news is, I don’t think we are at a place where your sight is in jeopardy…. yet. There is, however, some concern with these optic nerves and the excess fluid causing pressure behind them. I am going to order an MRI of your head, and an MRI of your neck, as well as an MRV (an MRI of the veins where they inject dye to check for thrombosis/aneurisms, etc.). I also want to order a lumbar puncture/spinal tap. We need to rule out any tumors or anything going on in the brain to be certain, but I think we are dealing here with a condition called Pseudotumor Cerebri (also known as Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Liquid Brain Tumor Syndrome)
Leaving this appointment felt both frustrating and also relieving. I wanted answers desperately, but at least this way I knew what we were going to be looking for.
My MRI scans and MRV came back clear and unremarkable (HUGE PRAISE & SIGH OF RELIEF).
My lumbar puncture/spinal tap was another story. The whole lumbar puncture process was painful and honestly, super traumatic, but it is done, and we got answers! My opening pressure was so high (35), spinal fluid actually shot out onto the floor! Knowing the doc had said I needed 25 or above for a diagnosis, I knew immediately that I finally had my answer. The next day, my doctor called to confirm and sent in a prescription for me. A “baby dose”, he called it, of Diamox- a diuretic.
I had joined several virtual support groups and done tons of research about Pseudotumor Cerebri leading up to my spinal tap, so I had heard all about Diamox. The majority of stories I had heard about Diamox were that it was intolerable and horrific. Many people actually said they would rather just live with the pressure migraines caused by the condition instead of dealing with the side effects of the drug. The side effects ranged from severe dehydration to kidney stones to hospitalization. I had also read that because it is a diuretic, it also keeps you from sweating meaning that sun exposure becomes increasingly dangerous and toxins have no way to escape the body. I had no peace about taking this. I even told my doctor that. He said “Yes, it is true that many people cannot tolerate the drug, that is why I want to start you on a baby dose and see how it goes.” I still didn’t feel right about it. I chose to not pickup the prescription at the pharmacy.
Apparently, when Diamox is not well tolerated, the next option is Topomax. Topomax is an epileptic drug that many people also do not tolerate well. Several comments I read regarding this drug were saying things like “Sure, you won’t have headaches anymore, but you will also wake up wondering what day it is or what your name is.” I knew that wasn’t an option for me either. At this point I started to panic, because the only other option would be brain surgery to have a shunt or stint put in. The people in the support group who have had this surgery reported that it was great for about three years, but then their tubing became infected or got wrapped around internal organs or they ended up with issues that landed them in the ICU!
Statistically, the mortality rate for this condition is also like 56 years of age, with the suicide rate among women who suffer from this condition being higher than normal due to the debilitating pain and suffering it causes. All of this information, the statistics, the personal testimonies- they all had me in a panic. Then I remembered “God has not given me a spirit of fear!”
I knew that I needed to pause and pray. So my husband grabbed my hands and prayed for us. We prayed for answers and just waited on The Lord to give us some direction. As we sat in our bedroom talking, the thought occurred to me- “There’s a kink in the hose.” I immediately pictured my spinal cord with a kink in it, blocking the flow of spinal fluid. I asked my husband “What if this is the key? What if the flow of fluid is really just disrupted or blocked somehow?”
Coincidentally, (or not so coincidentally, because God is GOOD), I had already set up new patient appointments with 100% Chiropractic a few weeks prior because of their new patient special- only $21 for x-rays, first adjustment, and a massage! I knew Jake and I could benefit from the massage alone and at that price, I couldn’t pass it up. So we decided that we would ask the chiropractor for some supplement recommendations and see if maybe some spinal adjustments could help. More on that later!
The night before our first appointments, a family friend reached out via Facebook Messenger (thank you, Kaye!) and shared that at the beginning of the year, she had posted a Facebook post asking people to share their favorite passages of scripture. She would be writing those passages in a calendar and would be praying those verses and for the people who recommended them. It just so happens that Sunday started the week where she had written my name and verse down! The verse I had shared with her weeks prior was Proverbs 4:20-23 (CSB), which reads:
My son, pay attention to my words; listen closely to my sayings. 21 Don’t lose sight of them; keep them within your heart. 22 For they are life to those who find them, and health to one’s whole body. 23 Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.
When I read verse 22, I could feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit so tangibly. I felt so much inexplainable peace and knew that He had a plan to heal me. I told Kaye that I was so thankful for her reaching out, that God’s timing was perfect, I needed to read those verses that night. I shard what had been going on with me. She asked how she could pray for/with us, and I knew exactly what to ask. I asked her to please pray for the following: 1. That we would find a chiropractor who can help us far beyond what we could ask, think, or imagine.
2. That we would find the right neurologist to work with.
3. That we would be able to design a treatment plan and protocol that would allow me to continue my work here at the childrens home and also sustain me as I go through graduate school? I’m currently pursuing my masters in counseling with a plan to get my doctorate in counselor education and supervision after that.
4. And finally, will you pray for the pain in my body? I have debilitating migraines constantly because the condition causes an excess of spinal fluid to build up in my brain and causes swelling. This can lead to permanent blindness if left untreated. In the meantime, my eye sight fluctuates greatly and can be quite straining at times, inducing other headaches. Thank you thank you thank you. We need all the prayers we can get this week!
She agreed to pray with us, and I went to bed that night feeling hopeful. The next morning, we woke up for our 8am appointments at 100% Chiropractic.
My first impression of the office was that it was beautiful and peaceful, very aesthetically pleasing (which for your girl, is a very welcome experience). Definitely passed the “vibe check” as the kids say these days… There was fun music playing, the atmosphere was lighthearted, and every single person was genuinely kind. One of the receptionists, Gabriella (I think she may actually be the office manager), gave us a tour of the office and took us into a private room to chat about our medical history get us setup for the doctor to come and take x-rays. When she asked us what our goals for care were, we answered with the basics- less back pain, more agility and energy, fertility, overall health and wellness, etc. I then shared all that we had been walking through with my new diagnosis and said that above anything else, handling that was my priority. She looked at me with so much genuine compassion in her eyes and said “I am so glad you’re here- I genuinely think we can help you. You’ve come to the right place.” I had so much Holy-Spirit peace when she said that.
Shortly after that moment, Dr. Bryan came in and took us across the hall for x-rays. In the short twenty seconds (or less) that it took to walk across the hall, he flipped through my chart and said “Ah, yes- I think I know what’s going on with you.” He then positioned me in front of the x-ray machine. Jake (my husband) stood in the back with him. I could see Dr. Bryan nodding and pointing out something to Jake and Jake nodding in response. Then, Dr. Bryan grabbed the spine model and said to me “So, this bone is supposed to be like this [pointing to the C1, Atlas bone, right at the top of the spine, referencing the normal positioning of the bone] but yours is like this…” He then pinched the bone in such a way that it literally causing something like “a kink in the hose” of my spinal cord! I couldn’t believe it. I literally started crying out of relief and said “You have no idea- you just told me more in about two minutes time than four other doctors/specialists have been able to tell me in nine months.” He asked if he could give me a hug and encouraged both Jake and I saying “if you guys are serious about this, I really think we can help you.” Here is a visual. The left is a textbook “near perfect” cervical spine. On the right, is mine. The C1/Atlas bone that is circled should have a nice space above it, just like the other bones. The atlas bone should also lay parallel to the skull. Mine is almost inverted.
That was Monday, 2/27. By Friday, 3/1 I had three chiropractic adjustments and went three days without having a migraine. I had a *slight* (so slight it was totally bearable without any meds or oils) headache on Friday morning (it was also raining, which is prime migraine weather) and after my adjustment, it was gone. Completely. I am in awe of the relief I have already experienced and I am so thankful that The Lord saw fit to bring us to this place that believes in supporting our bodies, giving them tools to heal themselves. Just as God created them to do!
Over the next several months, I will be getting frequent adjustments, making some major dietary modifications, and working to get in more movement each day. I will continue to update the blog with posts about how I am doing.
I want to point out that I am not a doctor, I am not a medical professional in any way, and I am not saying that people with this condition do not need to take medications. I made that choice at my own risk.
I simply wanted to get my story out and honor what God has done in my life recently. He has been gracious and kind and I know He will continue to heal me, especially as I seek to honor my body.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. If you made it all the way through, you either really love me or were in need of some hope yourself. Whatever the reason, I am thankful you’re here. I hope you stay awhile and maybe even find some more encouragement. (Maybe check out this post here, or this one here!)
If you are someone who is also suffering with Pseudotumor Cerebri/IIH, feel free to email me with any questions you have regarding my experience: [email protected]
Welcome to my last-minute holiday gift guide for women! Yes, it’s that time of the year again where you have to scramble to find the perfect gift for your loved ones. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with some thoughtful and unique options!
The Gift Ideas
Heaven-Inspired Jewelry & Gifts
First up, we have the Heaven-Inspired necklaces and gifts from the Crowning Jewels Company. These gifts are perfect for those who love to be encouraged in The Lord. How does the “Heaven Inspired” process work? Their website explains it this way:
How Does it Work?
Choose a style
Select your favorite chain color, size and tag options, if applicable
Fill in your name or the name of the person you’ll gift this to
Add to cart and checkout
We then pray for you or the person this is intended for and design a custom piece based on the promises we heard! Your jewelry will come in a beautiful velvet bag with an encouraging personalized card.
As you can see, this unique gift idea is a great way to show your loved one that you care about their spiritual journey, while also gifting them something special and heartfelt.
Planners, Prayer Journals, and Bible Study Gifts
Next, we have The Daily Grace Co‘s bible study, planner, or prayer journal. Because let’s be real, what better way to start off the new year than by getting organized and prioritizing abiding in The Lord at the same time? These gifts are perfect for the woman in your life who is always looking to grow and learn.
A Cute Beanie or Hat
Now, let’s talk about the stylish beanie/hat. The Carhartt ones are my favorite. Who doesn’t love a good beanie? It’s the perfect accessory to keep you warm and stylish during those winter months. Plus, it’s a great way to cover up a bad hair day. Trust us, your loved ones will thank you for this one.
The Famous Barefoot Dreams Blanket
Moving on, we have the Barefoot Dreams blanket. This blanket is the epitome of luxury, and it’s perfect for those who love to snuggle up on the couch with a good book or movie. Plus, it’s so soft and cozy that you might just want to steal it for yourself.
A Cute Coffee Mug & Stirring Spoon Gift Set
Up next, we have a super cute coffee mug, like this one!
Let’s face it, coffee is life. And what better way to enjoy your morning cup of joe than in an adorable mug? It’s the little things that can make a big difference, and this gift is sure to put a smile on your loved one’s face every time they use it.
Gift Cards for Pampering Herself
Gift Cards may just be the way to the heart of that special person in your life. A massage, a pedicure, a day at the salon getting her hair done- rest assured, we ladies LOVE to be pampered, so you absolutely cannot go wrong with this one. Reach out to her bestie if you’re not sure what salon to choose.
PS, If you’re feeling extra festive, tack on a Starbucks gift card so she can get herself a treat to enjoy while she is out and about.
Soy Wax Candle & Wax Melt Gift
Last but not least, we have a clean-burning soy wax candles and wax melts from Garden Ivy Soap & Candles. These products are perfect for those who love to unwind and relax after a long day. Plus, they all smell amazing, ha have incredibly long burn times, and are made with all-natural ingredients, so you can feel good about gifting them!
Gifts for the Limited Budget
If you’re working with a more limited budget than you were hoping, or you have a thrift-loving lady in your life, don’t discredit the power of shopping secondhand! For more ideas on what to look for, checkout my post here. I share some of my own thrifted finds and how I styled them in my home.
And there you have it, the last-minute gift guide for women. I hope you found this guide both helpful and thoughtful. Happy gifting!
PS, if you end up choosing any of these gift options, feel free to tag me on Instagram and share the recipient’s delight with our community! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
The holiday season can be “the most wonderful time of year”, but it can also be incredibly stressful, making self-care a must! Let’s jump in, bestie. I’ve got you!
As Christ followers, we know the importance of grounding ourselves in the message “Jesus is the reason for the season!” But there is a conflicting heart-tug we often face that brings a pressure to make sure everything is perfect for those around us. It’s important to remember that taking care of ourselves is just as important as taking care of others.
Prioritize Rest
One way to take care of ourselves during the holidays is simply prioritizing rest. It can be tempting to stay up late wrapping presents or baking cookies, but getting enough sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. The Word tells us in Psalm 127:2, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves.”
Set Healthy Boundaries
Another way to prioritize self-care is to set (and maintain) healthy boundaries. It’s okay to say no to certain events or activities if you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s even okay to say no to gatherings with family/friends, annual traditions, or the office Christmas party if you know you are not in a place to celebrate authentically. Protecting your energy (and your sanity) will be well worth it in the long run. Remember, it’s better to have quality time with loved ones than to try to do everything and end up feeling stressed and exhausted.
Get Intentional Movement/Exercise
Exercise is one that can be extremely difficult in the cold, busy winter months. Trying to find pockets of time to exercise during the holiday season feels laughable! It’s easy to fall out of our normal routines when life gets busy. Self-care in the form of physical activity is a great way to reduce stress and improve our overall well-being.
Whether it’s going for a walk or doing some intentional stretching and breath work, taking time to move our bodies can make a big difference. I have been enjoying doing the ISO stretch low-impact workout videos through the FasterWay to Fat Loss program. I am able to do these in the comfort of my own living room and start my day by checking “exercise” off of my to-do list. The act of checking that box each day has even proven beneficial for my mental health and influences the rest of my choices each day.
Guard Your Quiet Time
Lastly, and most importantly, don’t forget to guard your daily quiet time like your life depends on it… Because it does!
Taking time to connect with God during the holiday season has obvious benefits, but if we truly desire to get through each day in one piece, this is one practice that needs to be priority. We know that oxygen and food/water are essential to physical survival. In the same way, studying the Word, abiding in His Presence, cultivating Biblical wisdom, and communing with Him in prayer are essential to spiritual survival. And we know that our spiritual survival has eternal significance!
For more information on a morning-routine, check out this post here.
I know this is all easier said than done. It truly is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but taking a few minutes each day to pray, read the Bible, or reflect on the true meaning of Christmas can help us stay grounded and focused on what really matters. We know the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour, we know he comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. If we truly believe these things, mustn’t we consider that one of the greatest strategies of Satan and his army just might be to use distraction and busyness to keep us just unfocused enough to miss the glory of God around us?
As you navigate this holiday season, remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish. You deserve it, and your loved ones will appreciate a happy and healthy you! After all, you cannot pour from an empty cup. So be sure that you’re slowing down enough to have your own cup filled to overflowing every now and then.
A morning routine is a set of actions that one takes every day, usually upon waking up, to prepare for the day ahead. The way we start our day sets the tone for everything that follows. As women seeking to live rooted in Christ, a morning routine firmly grounded in faith is vital.
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.Read my full disclosure here.
Morning Routines for Proverbs 31 Women
Proverbs 31 women are known for their industriousness, wisdom, and dedication to their families. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of a morning routine for those of us who aspire to be modern Proverbs 31 women (more on that here), and how personalizing such morning routines can help us to fulfill our many responsibilities with grace and efficiency.
Structure & Order
First of all, having a morning routine helps to establish a sense of structure and order in our days. When we wake up at the same time every day, and follow a consistent routine, we create a rhythm of productivity that offers a sense of predictability that can reduce stress and anxiety. (Can I get a “Hallelujah” for anxiety reduction?!)
I’m sure I don’t have to convince you that we often have many tasks to juggle at once, from caring for our families to running businesses or ministries. When we know what to expect from our mornings, we can approach each day with a peaceful confidence and find satisfaction in our purpose.
Goal Setting
Setting structured daily goals can help us to focus our priorities effectively and appropriately. Proverbs 31 women are known for their wisdom, and what could display wisdom more appropriately than being intentional about how we spend our time?
By starting the day with a time of reflection, prayer, and/or Bible study, we can center ourselves and remind ourselves of what truly matters. We can be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
Growth & Soul Care
Finally, a morning routine can help us to cultivate a sense of self-care and lead to personal growth and sanctification. It is true that Proverbs 31 women are dedicated to serving others, but it’s important to remember that we can’t pour from an empty cup. By taking time in the morning to exercise, read, journal, and spend time alone with God, we can nourish our souls and grow in intimacy with Christ, which always leads to a ripple effect of blessing in our lives.
Crafting Your Morning Routine
Cultivating a morning routine that is specifically tailored to your needs and lifestyle is easier than you might think. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Start with prayer and scripture reading. Before you even get out of bed, before you grab your phone, stop and take a few moments to pray and read a passage from the Bible. This will help you set your mind on Christ and prepare yourself for the day ahead.
Set aside time for quiet reflection. Whether it’s through being still in His Presence, journaling, or praying, taking time to reflect on your faith and your goals for the day can help you stay focused and centered.
Incorporate worship into your routine. Whether it’s listening to worship music, singing hymns, or streaming a worship service/sermon, incorporating worship into your morning routine can help you stay connected to your faith and start your day on a positive note.
Practice gratitude and offer thanksgiving. Take a few moments each morning to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Thank the Lord for Who He Is! Study a new characteristic of Him that you are unfamiliar with and praise Him for that characteristic. This can help you deepen your understanding of God and develop deeper intimacy with Him.
Remember, cultivating a morning routine that is rooted in Christ is a process, and it may take some time to find a routine that works for you. But with patience, perseverance, and a disciplined commitment to your faith, you can create a morning routine that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ and live a more purposeful life.
My Personal Morning Routine
Please note: in different seasons of life, these rhythms look different and are tweaked. Overall, the elements remain the same, but it is important to remain flexible. When we become to rigid and too dependent on the consistency of the structure, it can have an opposite affect on us. What is meant to be a space where healthy boundaries provided a wide open space to safely roam within can quickly turn into an imbalanced snare of legalism, producing shame, guilt, and feelings of failure.
Just remember this: “… where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!” (2 Corinthians 3:17).
My Morning Routine
With every passing year, I am becoming more and more of a morning person. Not because waking up is always easy, but because the mornings are full of mercy, hope, stillness, and light.
Biblically speaking, Proverbs 31:15-17 shows us that the Proverbs 31 woman herself rose even before the sun to prepare for the needs of her family!
There is something reverent and holy about waking up before the rest of my household, opening the blinds to let the light in, making my morning coffee, lighting a candle, grabbing my Bible and a fuzzy blanket, and curling up on the couch. Usually, my sidekick- my Jobie girl (my Golden Retriever), will snuggle up with me for Bible time, too. One of the best parts of my day for sure!
Musical Worship
I always start out with some form of musical worship. Some days I will go to my piano and make up melodies to the Psalms and sing them to the Lord- I (along with many in the worship songwriter community) call this practice “Psalming”.
Sometimes I will sing my favorite worship songs, and sometimes I even write new songs to sing to the Lord. Often times, I open the Spotify app on my television and play an acoustic worship playlist. I spend about 15 minutes doing this. Three or four songs or so.
Pursue Peace & Eliminate Distractions
I have mentioned before on here that I have ADHD. Therefore, I am very easily distracted. I choose to play an instrumental worship playlist while I read my Bible. Though I can’t explain the science behind it (but I know it really is “a thing”), having music play in the background helps me to focus in more on what I am reading. I specifically choose to listen to instrumental worship while I read because, as a singer/songwriter myself, I am easily distracted by beautiful voices, melodies, and lyrics.
I love the peaceful atmosphere that is cultivated in my home when this music plays. It is deeply soothing. Sometimes, I will even let it play all day long so that nothing disrupts our peace.
Bible Study
Next, I simply read my Bible. I love to highlight and write in the margins. I have this gorgeous Hosanna Revival Note Taking Bible (CSB translation) and I love it so much. It is a hard cover Bible with a beautiful lemon tree design on the front (which some believe to be symbolic of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness and God’s provision and deliverance into the Promised Land).
The back cover has the Fruits of the Spirit passage from Galatians printed in a stunning gold foil script lettering. Because of the light, off-white color, I opt to keep mine stored in the green hardcover book sleeve when I am not using my Bible. I have found this to be very helpful. Even with it though, my Bible is still not in perfectly unblemished condition. But that is okay, because you know what they say:
“A Bible that is falling apart belongs to a person who isn’t!”
I also love these no-bleed, quick dry highlighters (and right now you can get this set of $12 aesthetic highlighters for under $5!). The colors are lovely, easy to see through, and they have a soft chisel tip, perfect for getting nice straight lines across your text.
I will share more about my take on this personal notebook in another post soon, but this is not just a notebook with lined paper. No, I’m talking about a small 3-ring binder with dividers and sections and all kinds of fun (well, fun if you’re a nerd like me) things!
In my “Time Alone with God” section, I have subdividers featuring things like:
Scriptures to memorize
Encouragement from the Lord (words that others have spoken or prayed over me)
Encouragement for others (words from the Lord/ things I feel led to share with others).
Prayer Requests
Answered Prayers
Personal Affirmations
Personal Mission Statement
I try to work through each divider in this section during my morning quiet time.
Section number 4, “Prayer requests”, does get a significant amount of my time. Daily, I pray for my family, close friends, and for our kids/our organization/our ministry team. Next, I write down the names of those I have said I would pray for first (often times I will write them down as I tell the person I am going to be in prayer, so they know I won’t forget!) As I pray, I try to also send that person a prayer or word of encouragement, sometimes a passage of scripture. Then, I pause and ask the Lord to place anyone else on my heart that He wants me to intercede for, encourage, or reach out to.
In another section of my notebook, the “personal productivity” section, I have a daily block schedule system I like to use (adapted from Jordan Page of’s Productivity Planner.)
If you’re a planner gal or person with ADHD that needs flexibility within structure, this is a must have for you!) I have bought so many of these planners for myself and for others- the only reason I don’t use one anymore is that I now have designed my own version that is more customized to my own needs and I can’t carry multiple bulky books everywhere I go. But I 10/10 recommend this planner and Jordan’s block schedule system (not sponsored). You can find an overview of this schedule and even a free printable on her site here.
On my personal adaption of the daily block system, I have a box where I list three additional prayer requests and three things I am grateful for. In the requests box, I put my top two long term prayer requests (like praying for a loved one who has cancer) and the third one I put a prayer specific to that day. Similarly, in the gratitude section, I always list my salvation first, my husband second, and then a third thing I am grateful for. There are days I take both my salvation and my husband for granted. I have felt so convicted of that. So I list those two first to help my feelings come into alignment with His Will over my flesh. Cultivating emotional intelligence & emotionally healthy spirituality has been a major part of my healing journey, so this practice has been really helpful for me.
My Morning Routine List
Before ending my quiet time, I like to make a practical plan for the rest of the day. I go through what is called my “morning list”, which is also partially adapted from Jordan Page’s productivity planner and partially from Donna Partow’s book mentioned above. My morning list is a checklist I do every morning, without compromise:
Quiet Time with Jesus
Take Meds
Make Bed
Get Ready for the Day
Unload Dishwasher
1 Load of Laundry
Encourage a Friend
This morning list (in addition to it’s counterpart, my evening list) keeps me productive, keeps my family functioning, and ensures their basic needs are met.
Concluding My Morning Routine: Everyday on Mission
Finally, I have a section that I call “Everyday on Mission” where I write out one goal and action item to complete that day in each of the following areas:
Having this breakdown as a visual helps me to stay on task, stand rooted in my faith, take care of my family well, and helps ensure I do not neglect my the responsibilities. All of these elements together help me steward well what God has entrusted to me.
In Conclusion
I am by no means perfect and would never claim to be.
This routine did not come to me because I reached a certain level of holiness or spiritual maturity. It came to me like a life raft, by God’s grace, in a sea of struggle. He put things in front of me, like the tools from women like Donna Partow & Jordan Page, to to help me come into alignment with Him. By my flesh & human nature, I lack discipline & self control. Add that to my impulsivity and distractibility and I am telling you- I am a mess.
But a fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control. He provides a way out of temptation and struggle. So by His Spirit, I am organized. I am disciplined. I am rooted.
Looking for a surefire way to impress your friends and family at dinner time? Look no further than this Best Ever Juicy & Flavorful Roasted Chicken recipe. This mouth-watering dish is sure to have everyone begging for seconds, and who knows, maybe even thirds!
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.Read my full disclosure here.
First Things First
To get started, preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. If your oven has a roasting setting, use that setting. If it does not have a roasting setting, don’t worry! I will tell you what to do when it is time.
While the oven is heating up, take your whole chicken and remove the innards. Rinse the chicken well under cold water and pat dry with paper towel.
Prepare Your Chicken for Roasting
To prep your bird, give it a nice little massage with some olive oil or melted butter. We want to make sure this bird feels loved and appreciated before it goes into the oven.
Using your hands, separate (but do not remove) the skin from the meat. Be sure to massage your oil/butter under the skin, on the meat, and outside of the skin.
Next, generously sprinkle some salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder all over your chicken- don’t forget to season under the skin! This will help bring out all those delicious flavors we’re looking for.
Now, this is where things get really exciting. Take a lemon and give it a good squeeze all over the chicken. This will not only add some zest to the dish, but it will also make your chicken look like it’s posing for a fancy food magazine.
Oven Roasting Your Chicken
Place your chicken in a roasting pan atop a bed of chopped onions and tent with foil. Pop it in the oven for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, removing every 30 minutes to baste with the pan juices.
If your oven has a roasting setting, simply return your bird for 30 more minutes, uncovered. You’ll know it’s done when the juices run clear and the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
If your oven does not have a roasting setting, have no fear! Just turn your oven’s temperature up to 400 degrees and allow the chicken to roast uncovered for 30 more minutes or until the juices run clear and the internal temp has reached 165 degrees.
Pro-tip: If you’re feeling sad that your oven doesn’t have a roasting setting, you can elevate your mood by playing the classic throwback “Hot in Here” by Nelly and dancing around your kitchen.
I can say from experience that it does in fact make your chicken taste even better.
Helpful Gadgets & Tools:
When roasting anything, I have a few kitchen “must haves”:
Now, sit back, relax, and let the compliments roll in. Trust me, with this Best Ever Juicy & Flavorful Roasted Whole Chicken recipe, you’ll be the talk of the town.
Juicy & Flavorful Oven Roasted Whole Chicken
Yield: 1 Bird
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours
Additional Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours25 minutes
This Juicy & Flavorful Roasted Whole Chicken recipe is the perfect dish for any occasion. With a crispy golden skin and tender, succulent meat, this chicken is sure to impress your guests. The secret to its delicious flavor lies in the aromatic blend of herbs and spices used to season the chicken, which infuses the meat with a rich, savory taste. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or simply looking for a cozy family meal, this roasted chicken is a surefire hit that will leave everyone satisfied and wanting more.
1 Whole Chicken (2-3 lbs), innards removed
1 stick butter
1 onion, chopped
1 lemon, halved
4 tbsp salt or seasoning salt
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
Preparing Your Chicken:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. If you have a roasting setting on your oven, use that setting. If not, that's okay, we will adjust the temperature again before the bird finishes roasting.
In a small bowl, combine seasonings and mix well. Set aside.
Line base of roasting pan with aluminum foil.
Chop onion into large chunks and spread over aluminum foil.
Rinse chicken well under cool water and pat dry with paper towel. Using your hands, carefully pull the skin away from the meat but do not remove the skin. You want to create a pocket for the seasonings and butter to lay in. Do not skip this step. This is the key to delicious, flavorful meat and crispy outer skin.
Season the bird, inside the skin and on top of the skin, on all sides.
Chop butter into 1/2 tbsp pads. Place pads directly under the skin on all sides of the bird, paying attention to the breast, wings, thighs, and legs. Season inside of the cavity as well.
Once your chicken is seasoned generously (feel free to whip up additional batches of seasonings or just measure with your heart!), stuff the cavity with some chopped onion and the lemon.
Place seasoned and stuffed chicken on top of onion bed in pan. Cover with aluminum foil making a dome or tent shape.
Roasting Your Chicken:
Place covered chicken in preheated oven and roast for 30 minutes. Remove chicken and baste with the juices from the pan.
Roast again, covered, for 60 minutes, removing the chicken to baste every 30 minutes.
Turn the oven temperature up to 400 degrees and leave chicken uncovered. Roast for final 30 minutes. (*Note: Skip this temperature change if your oven does have a roast setting.)
Using a meat thermometer, confirm that the chicken has reached 165 degrees internally.
Allow to rest for 15 minutes before carving to allow the juices to redistribute properly.
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 8Serving Size: 1 Amount Per Serving:Calories: 310
Transform Your Pork Shoulder from Dry to Delicious with This Recipe!
Are you tired of bland and tasteless pork shoulder? Look no further, because I have a recipe that will change your life (or at least your dinner plans). This slow-roasted pork shoulder is so tender and juicy, it will make your taste buds dance with joy.
Prep Your Pork Shoulder
To start, let’s talk prep. You’ll need a few ingredients: pork shoulder, salt, pepper, garlic, paprika, brown sugar, and a whole lot of patience. Trust me, the final result is worth the effort.
Trimming the Fat
Now, don’t panic here thinking you’ll need to cut all of that beautiful marbling out of your meat- we are simply removing the excess fat that may be on your roast. For me, there was a large layer on the underside of my roast. Just carefully carve away that layer to reveal even more beautiful marbling! Your roast should look something like this:
Before trimming that excess fat (shown on the right in the picture above), there was a large area of white covering the underside of my roast. In addition to this large spot, I also trimmed a few smaller areas that had thicker deposits of fat around the edges. By removing this fat, you are able to achieve that nice, flavorful crust. Trust me, you don’t want to skip this step.
Seasoning Your Pork Shoulder
In a small bowl, combine the following seasonings and mix well:
Brown Sugar
Garlic Powder
Once you’ve combined your seasonings, massage your pork shoulder generously with the mixture. Be sure not to miss the sides! Place in a glass 9×13 baking dish.
Pro-tip: For added flavor, you can add minced garlic to the top of your roast. I do not always do this and the result is still plenty delicious!
Slow Roasting Your Pork Shoulder
The key here is patience! Or multi-tasking if you’re one (like me) who loves to get multiple things done at once.
Cover your well-seasoned roast with aluminum foil and place into preheated oven (325 degrees). Set a timer for 3.5 hours and walk away! Be patient and try not to open the oven door too often, as you don’t want to lose any of the deliciousness.
After your timer goes off, remove aluminum foil and allow to roast for another hour.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the pork shoulder will be done. It should be fragrant and falling apart at this point.
Once you have removed your beautifully tender roast from the oven, you will want to begin shredding it fairly quickly. Let the roast sit, uncovered, for about 5 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute through the meat. Then, using two forks, shred it up and serve it with your favorite sides. Roasted veggies or mashed potatoes are great choices.
Pro-tip: For larger roasts, use a carving knife and cut your roast into smaller chunks for more manageable shredding.
And there you have it, the best ever, perfectly tender, slow roasted pork shoulder recipe. Your taste buds will be delighted, and your guests will be asking for seconds. Don’t be surprised if they ask for the recipe too – it’s up to you if you want to share your secret weapon!
Looking for a delicious and easy way to cook pork shoulder? Look no further than this perfectly tender slow roasted pork shoulder recipe! With a simple combination of herbs, spices, and a bit of patience, you can create a mouthwatering dish that is sure to impress.
1 Pork Roast (Butt/Shoulder) approx. 4- 5 lbs.
1/4 cup brown sugar
1.5 tsp paprika
1.5 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
BBQ Sauce, for serving
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Trim excess fat from outer sides of the pork roast.
In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
Rub seasoning mixture over all sides of roast, massaging it in gently.
Place seasoned roast into 9x13 baking dish and cover with aluminum foil.
Bake for 3.5 hours covered, then remove foil and roast for another hour, or until roast reaches an internal temperature of 195 degrees.
Remove from oven and let rest, uncovered, for five minutes so juices can redistribute.
Carve and shred pork and add bbq sauce if desired.
Serve and enjoy!
To Store:
Seal in airtight container and store for up to four days in the refrigerator.
To Freeze:
Allow meat to cool completely, then place in an air tight container. Freeze for up to 3 months.
To Reheat:
Allow frozen meat to thaw in refrigerator overnight. Reheat in microwave or slowly reheat in oven.
Ah, pumpkin pecan coffee cake! The mere thought of it makes my mouth water. And to think that it can be made gluten-free, that’s just icing on the cake. Literally.
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.Read my full disclosure here.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been one to shy away from a good slice of cake. And when it’s infused with the flavors of pumpkin and pecan, it’s practically irresistible. But let’s be honest, when you tell people that it’s gluten-free, their first reaction is usually, “Oh…that’s nice.”
Why is it that people always assume that gluten-free equals taste-free? I mean, I get it. There have been some pretty terrible gluten-free products out there. But when it comes to this pumpkin pecan coffee cake, trust me, you won’t even miss the gluten (disclaimer: you have to use a goodquality gluten-free flour. Like Cup4Cup or King Arthur (I use King Arthur because it is most affordable).
If you want to mess with the skeptics a little bit just tell them it is full of gluten! “Oh, yes, you will love this gluten filled fall dish. This cake is loaded with the stuff.” And then watch as they take a bite and their eyes widen in disbelief. Funny story- when one of my kids, (an 18-year-old boy), found out this pumpkin pecan coffee cake is gluten-free, he said “Dang! You tricked me again!” That was after he had had two (or three) helpings!
But seriously, this cake is delicious. It’s moist, it’s flavorful, and it’s the perfect accompaniment to a hot cup of coffee or caramel cappuccino. And the fact that it’s gluten-free means that even more people can enjoy it. So go ahead and indulge. You deserve it. Just don’t forget to share a slice with me!
Let’s Get Cooking
There is not much to this recipe, just dump the ingredients into your stand mixer and place in a silicone 9×9 baking pan (like this one here.)
When it comes to the crumble topping, I like to melt the butter in a glass, liquid measuring cup and mix with a fork until the texture is a bit like wet sand. Then, pour over the batter and top with chopped or halved candied pecans! (The ones from Trader Joe’s are our favorite!)
Switch It Up!
Some great alternative ways to make this dish would be:
Try using different fruit & nut pairings, like apple & walnut, (sub applesauce for the pumpkin purée and top with sliced or fried apples)
Mix some non-candied pecans in with the batter for a sweet and salty, mouth watering experience!
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pecan Coffee Cake
Yield: 12
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
This delicious gluten-free pumpkin pecan coffee cake is perfect for breakfast or brunch. It's full of warming spices and rich flavors that will satisfy your cravings. The cake is moist and tender, with a crunchy pecan and brown sugar topping that will make your taste buds dance.
2 cups gluten-free flour, leveled (Cup4Cup or King Arthur brands)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup milk
1 stick butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp butter melted
2 tbsp flour
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2-3/4 cup candied pecans
For Cake:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Whisk together dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add pumpkin puree, milk, butter, and vanilla. Mix well.
Pour cake mixture into a silicone (or lightly greased) 9x9 baking pan.
For Streusel:
Melt butter in a microwave safe bowl. Add brown sugar, flour, and cinnamon and mix with fork until the consistency of wet sand.
Sprinkle evenly on top of cake batter. Top generously with candied pecans.
Bake for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
BRAND MATTERS when it comes to Gluten-Free flour. Feel free to make this with regular flour as well if you are not gluten-sensitive!
I hope you enjoy this fall favorite. Be sure to snap a photo and tag me on Instagram, or comment below if you end up making this one! Happy Fall, y’all! ( I couldn’t resist…)
Brunching like a boss? Yes, please! There’s nothing quite like waking up late on a Saturday, throwing on your comfiest clothes, and whipping up a delicious spread of yummy favorites. If you really want to take your brunch game to the next level, let’s discuss the ins and outs of hosting the ultimate brunch (like the true boss that you are!)
Make Your Menu
First things first, let’s talk about the menu. Brunch is all about balance, so make sure to include both sweet and savory options. Think pancakes and bacon, eggs benedict, fruit salad, and maybe even a breakfast quiche if you’re feeling fancy. And of course, don’t forget the fresh squeezed orange juice and coffee!
This savory goodness called Bacon & Cheese Quiche (I make my own gluten-free crust, but you could also use a tube of biscuit dough and lay in the bottom of the pan and pour the egg mixture on top! It is so flavorful and yummy. Add some spinach to get in an easy green, too!)
Biscuits and gravy, waffles, and toast with jam are some other favorites around our table!
Set Your Table
Next up, let’s talk decor. You don’t need to break the bank to create a beautiful brunch spread. Simple touches like fresh flowers, colorful napkins, and a well-arranged charcuterie board can go a long way in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Try placing some cut wildflowers in a small vase and placing it at the center of the table. Place on top of a cute cutting board or serving tray along with toppings and seasonings in matching bowls.
I often use things like:
Salt & pepper shakers
A butter dish with spreader
Jam in a remekin with a spoon or knife
Shredded cheese
Crumbled bacon
Extra Icing
Chocolate Chips
Salad dressing
Coffee Creamer
Make sure every place setting has a plate, fork, knife, spoon, cup, napkin, and mug!
Ace Your Aesthetic
The key to acing your aesthetic is keeping it simple. For me, I like the neutral look. Bright whites, warm and rich earthy tones, and when it comes to “pops of color” I like to use natural elements like the bright redness of a strawberry, the beautiful yellow of a lemon, or the vibrant hues of wildflowers or greenery, like eucalyptus.
I find it most simple to use all white dishes. Serving dishes, dinner plates, ramekins, etc- I use all white. They are easy to come by in thrift stores, too, making for a totally affordable aesthetic for hosting brunch!
Don’t just think dinner plates and serving bowls. Those little ramekin dishes, trays, and trivets are wonderful for adding different heights and sizes to your table, while keeping everything accessible to all guests.
Invite Your Guests
And finally, let’s talk about the guest list. When it comes to brunch, the more the merrier! Invite your closest friends, family, and maybe even a new neighbor or two. Brunch is the perfect opportunity to catch up with loved ones and make new connections over delicious food and drinks.
I have been hosting “Brunch & Bible Study” for our college aged kids every weekend for the last several weeks. Everyone enjoys the fellowship and food. Once we finish eating, we are energized and ready to open the Word together. It has been a fruitful time, literally & figuratively!
Set Your Brunch Apart
One hosting tip for making your brunch stand out above the rest is this: pay thoughtful attention to detail.
Try personalizing name cards for your guests’ place settings or labeling your items with cute labels from the craft store.
Get my free Brunch Blessings printable cards with you here!
Once you have cut the Brunch Blessing cards out (on cardstock preferably), place them with your place setting. For an extra feminine touch, you could tuck the card into your napkin with the silverware, add a small floral element, and tie some twine or cute ribbon around it all and lay it on the center of the plate!
Hosting brunch for a co-ed crowd? Another nice, more gender neutral place setting idea would be to place the utensils and napkin into a coffee mug, like this:
So there you have it, folks. The ultimate guide to brunching like a boss. Just remember, the key to hosting a successful brunch is to keep it fun, relaxed, and filled with good food and good company. Happy brunching!
Where are my frugal ladies at? Do you want to add a little personality and pizzazz to your home decor/furniture but can’t (or won’t) pay the Anthropology or Pottery Barn price tag? Well, have no fear. This Easy-to-Follow Guide to Chair Reupholstery will have you turning someone else’s “trash” into your treasured piece of furniture in no time! And the best part? Your friends and fam will be blown away when you tell them how much money you saved doing this seemingly-difficult-but-actually-simple project at home!
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Check out these inspo pics (& price tags) below:
I truly love the look of all four of these, but there is just no possible way that I can afford to spend $369-$519 on a single dining chair! Especially when I need a minimum of 6 (but more like 8) chairs for my table! That would be somewhere in the ballpark of $2,214 to $4,152 just for chairs!
Believe In the Impossible
If you are feeling the same way I did about those prices, you may be thinking “I am never going to be able to have that bohemian-meets-modern-farmhouse style table & chairs without selling a kidney!”
I am here to tell you friend, that you can have your dream chairs and more for a dramatically lower price. Eek! I am so excited to share my latest chair reupholstery project with you.
Bargain Hunting
It’s true that you need to have patience and a little bit of a skilled eye to walk into a thrift store and see the potential in something. Thankfully, I have honed that skill over the years so I am prepared to share with you everything I know about picking up thrifted pieces. Here is the thought process I go through when prepping to thrift:
The Goal
Are you looking for a particular piece? Do you need a certain number of items?
Jake and I went to multiple thrift stores with the goal of finding new dining chairs. We knew we would need 6, so this was risky, but we believed we could find them! And we did!
The Vision
What is your inspiration? For me, like I shared above, it was the Anthropology/Pottery Barn look without the price tag… I knew that if I wanted upholstered chairs, I was going to have to look for something that was already upholstered. The likelihood of finding exactly what I was looking for already is very slim, so I knew I would probably have to reupholster whatever I found.
Chair Reupholstery- Say What?
Before you start panicking about the difficulty of this task, let me reassure you that chair reupholstery is easier than you think. All you need is some fabric, a stapler, and a little bit of patience. If you have a sewing machine, that can be very useful, too. I did use one for this project.
Trust me, if I can do this, so can you!
First things first, choose a fabric that speaks to you. Whether it’s a bold print or a soft neutral, make sure it’s something you love and will bring joy to your space. I knew I wanted a thick, neutral colored, canvas-type fabric. I also wanted to spend as little money as possible, so I opted to purchase these 9×12 foot drop cloths on Amazon and I am so glad I did. One drop cloth was able to reupholster nearly four chairs!
Next, remove the old fabric from the chair using a flathead screwdriver and a pair of pliers. Try not to destroy the fabric during removal as you will need to use it as a template for your new fabric. Cut the new fabric to size and start stapling it onto the chair frame.
If you are able to use a sewing machine, use your seam ripper to undo the sewn aspects of the original material. I found it helpful to use a sharpie and label each piece of fabric so I knew (for pattern purposes) what parts I was tracing.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “But Molly, what about the corners? Won’t they be difficult?” Ah, yes, the corners. But fear not, my friends, for I have a trick up my sleeve. Simply fold the fabric over at the corner, creating a neat and tidy fold, and staple it in place. It’s as easy as that!
Not only is chair reupholstery a fun and doable DIY project, but it’s also a great way to breathe new life into old furniture. Plus, think of all the money you’ll save by not having to buy those new chairs!
So, grab your fabric, your stapler, and let’s get to work. Your old, tired chairs are about to become the treasure of your home decor.
My Easy-to-Follow Guide to Dining Chair Reupholstery
Out with the Old
Using a flat head screwdriver and needle nose pliers, remove all staples and fabric from chair. Be careful not to rip or ruin the fabric if possible as you will be using it for a guide later. This is a very tedious and time consuming process. I suggest putting on your favorite playlist or binge watching a show to pass the time. It is also helpful to have a second set of hands from time to time, so grab a friend to join you!
Once all of the upholstery has been removed, carefully remove or hammer in any staples that have broken off or are stuck so you don’t hurt yourself. (I learned that lesson the hard way!)
Trace Your Pattern & Cut
On a large, flat surface, lay out your fabric. Press any wrinkles or creases and use something heavy to weigh down any turned corners. On the back side of the fabric, trace your pattern pieces, face down. You want the traced side to be the side that no one will see once the project is complete. Make sure to trace all pieces the same way!
If using a sewing machine, continue reading. If not, continue to stapling!
Pin right sides together, bottom sides facing out. Carefully sew along the edge using 1/4 inch seam allowance and be sure to backstitch for extra durability.
Once you have your pieces pinned and sewn, make sure to trim excess strings, look for any missed stitches and verify that your work is durable and complete.
Some Assembly Required
Place fabric over chair in appropriate spots, making sure that pieces align properly before stapling.
Carefully start stapling, pulling the fabric tight as you go.
When you get to the corners, fold the fabric and make crisp, clean edges, and continue stapling.
For the chairs I did, I had to add a back piece using upholstery tack strips like these. You will want to measure your piece to know what size you will need. For what it is worth, I recommend buying new tack strips rather than trying to salvage old ones. Hammering out the originals can be time consuming and cause them to break. Using a new strip will provide significantly less of a headache for you.
Once the reupholstering was complete, I added the black netting fabric back to the bottoms of the chairs and my husband reapplied the bases to the chairs as well.
Money, Money, Money
For this chair reupholstery project, we spent:
$80 on six chairs
$20 on Drop Cloths (I did need two 9×12 cloths but had one on hand already so I only had to purchase one).
In total, we spent $100 (and about four days) making these beautiful chairs! That is a savings of about $2,114 to $4,052.
I told you it would be a dramatic savings!
I hope you will try your hand at some reupholstering! If you do, be sure to tag me over on Instagram (@mollyfinneganblog) so I can cheer you on and celebrate with you!
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Hi, I’m Molly! 🌿✨ I’m passionate about helping others flourish—mind, body, and spirit. After a life-changing health transformation, including bariatric surgery and overcoming challenges with faith, I’m learning to thrive, even in the messiness of life. As a future Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Holistic Health Practitioner, I share tips on health, wellness, and personal growth to inspire you to bloom into the best version of yourself.
Grab a cup of tea (or proffee!), and let’s grow together!